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ELEBAO and RockTek Shine at Computex 2024 with Groundbreaking Home Entertainment Innovations

Time : 2024-06-11 Hits : 0

ELEBAO and RockTek Shine at Computex 2024 with Groundbreaking Home Entertainment Innovations

ELEBAO and RockTek successfully showcased their latest joint developments in home entertainment at Computex 2024, leaving attendees in awe of their cutting-edge products and technological advancements. The event, held at the Nangang Exhibition Center in Taipei City from June 4-7, 2024, provided a platform for the two companies to demonstrate their innovative solutions and engage with industry professionals from around the globe.

 Highlights from the RockTek Booth (L0019):

1. Google TV Box / Dongle / Sticks
Visitors were impressed by the seamless and intuitive viewing experience offered by the Google TV solutions. The devices received high praise for their user-friendly interface and advanced streaming capabilities.

2. Cloud Gaming Console
The cloud gaming console was a standout, attracting a significant amount of interest. Attendees experienced high-performance gaming without the need for extensive hardware, showcasing the future of gaming technology.

3. AR Glasses + Pocket TV
The AR glasses paired with a pocket TV provided a glimpse into the future of augmented reality and mobile entertainment. The immersive experience was a crowd favorite, highlighting the potential for on-the-go viewing.

4. LED Projector
The high-definition LED projector captivated attendees with its stunning visual quality, making it a perfect solution for both home theaters and professional presentations.

5. KTV Soundbar / Box
The KTV soundbar and box turned the booth into a lively karaoke stage, demonstrating exceptional sound clarity and power. It was clear that these products could transform any living room into a fun and engaging entertainment space.

6. Smart Conference Host**
The smart conference host garnered attention for its advanced features that enhance communication and collaboration during business meetings. Attendees appreciated the seamless integration of technology in professional settings.

7. Digital Signage Solutions
Innovative digital signage solutions were on full display, showcasing dynamic advertising and information display capabilities suitable for various settings.

Throughout the event, the ELEBAO and RockTek teams engaged with attendees, discussing how their innovative products could boost businesses and enhance consumer experiences. The positive feedback and enthusiasm from visitors reinforced the companies' commitment to pushing the boundaries of home entertainment technology.

The successful showcase at Computex 2024 marks a significant milestone for ELEBAO and RockTek. As they continue to innovate and develop cutting-edge products, the companies are poised to make a lasting impact on the home entertainment industry.ELEBAO and RockTek extend their heartfelt thanks to all attendees, partners, and supporters who contributed to the success of their showcase at Computex 2024. They look forward to continuing their journey of innovation and excellence in the field of home entertainment.

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NEXT : Announcing Our Exciting Partnership with RockTek: Redefining Home Entertainment Together